Marketing / PR


Good and effective marketing is nowadays inevitable even for products that speak for themselves. This is simply a question of a company's image of itself.
Especially in this area it is particularly challenging to transfer the specifics of english language texts adequately and without loss of message into German.
Simply translating ready-made texts is not, what this is all about.
An inspired, pointed promotional text needs to be entirely re-authored in German with a lot of creativity – with a good balance between true copy of the message und own ideas in terms of wordplay and pointed figures of speech.
Especially the inclination to 'shouting' in the anglo-american world, i. e. exaggerated and steadily repeated adulation of a product, is perceived as inappropriate in German culture.
Also, comparative advertising is mostly not permitted in German language markets, which often makes profound changes to the English source text inevitable.
This requires a good sense of distance, feeling of the language, resourcefulness and profound knowledge of the legal situation.
Ideally, a good marketing translation transports the message as appropriately as possible, but adapted to the German ear.

Our creative authors will ensure, that your message will not be drowned in aggressive slogans inconceivable to the German audience.

Public Relations

Contrary to advertising and marketing, this is about corporate communications facing government agencies, media and the interested public.
Increasingly critical consumers, administrations and stakeholders on the market nowadays expect statements from companies to all aspects of their activities, especially:
-    Corporate responsibility
-    Ethical conduct
-    Culture and diversity
-    Corporate mission
-    Industrial safety
-    Ecological commitment
-    Community commitment
-    Employee development
-    Investment decisions
-    Product announcements
-    Innovation
and many more.

In order to not only react to critical media reporting, companies must increasingly anticipate political and social developments in their environment proactively and foresightedly and inform the public about their decisions in a timely manner. This communication requires a lot of instinct and sensibility for trends and movements.

While translating such materials, we have to keep an eye on the social environment in the targeted markets and listen to the talk of the time, to consider cultural specifics of the relevant country.
This requires actively following the day-to-day politics and a lively participation in the public debate.
Our team members are socially engaged and informed about the current topics of our time.
Therefore, we can forge our client's communication in a form, that is understood and welcomed by private and institutional stakeholders.


-    PR Newswire
-    DSM Nutritional Products

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